Matisa Market discreetly sells premium brand designer womenswear, accessories at a fraction of the original full retail price. There are also available capsule collections of new stock from Ambas Italy and The Colombia Collective. Together with candles and diffusers from Evermore London and Saint Fragrance and beauty products from MODM and Olverum and LIHA. Also cards from Hanna Buck.
Matisa Market is also proud to stock a handful of new, ethical brands that leave a positive footprint, including Mishky Bracelets, Evermore London Candles, Saint Fragrance Candles, Benamor 1925 Skincare, Odile Collective Baskets, The Clothes Doctor Laundry Products, Union of London Candles, Cath Tate Cards and Ambas Italy Fine Organic Cotton Beach Tunics.
About Philippa
Philippa has a successful background in fashion PR having worked with Gucci and Gianni Versace. Latterly Philippa ran a successful premium brands consignment business in Portugal for over ten years. Having returned to Suffolk Philippa was looking for a project to combine her love of fashion, interior design and up cycling.
She identified an opening in the retail market for pre-owned new or nearly new items and having enjoyed success of selling pre-owned new and nearly new fashion on her Ebay store she wanted to include interior items too.
If you are looking to de-clutter your wardrobe and collate a wardrobe of pieces that you love to wear, then Matisa Market is for you! Equally, if you love the quality and style of designer pieces of clothing but prefer to pay a fraction of the original retail price, then come and have a browse at Matisa Market.
We are moving from a disposable society to a recycling society and Pre-owned is the ultimate in re-cycling.
80% of the world, buy or use pre-owned items
Approximately 140 million pounds worth of clothing goes into landfill every year.
When you sell designer goods, you are doing your bit to help save the environment.
Lucy Siegle the environmental journalist reported that the majority of women have upwards of 20 garments hanging in their wardrobe that they have never worn and they own four times the amount today than they did in 1980.
Women are expected to spend £133,640 in a lifetime on fashion!!!
Buy Carefully, Buy Less
Buy Less, Buy Better
UK consumers have £30bn worth of clothes in their wardrobes, of which 30% hasn’t been worn in the last year.
Discover new brands. Shopping somewhere like Matisa Market helps you to discover those brands you may not have come across elsewhere.
35% of women are buying more used items than they were 12 months ago
“We are moving from a disposable society to a recycling society and Pre-owned is the ultimate in re-cycling.”